Herbert Elsky
Herbert Elsky's

Welcome to
an extraordinary journey
through sound and space

in Herbert Elsky's Theatre las Balubas

Theatre Las Balubas is a sound installation and performance space in the Limousin region of France created by Herbert Elsky in 2004.

In this unique environment, only using everyday objects, animated by oscillating fans and ceiling fans, a large variety of rhythms and auditory ambiances are created.

The sound journeys are intuitive, unpredictable and unrepeatable which creates an environment where awareness is heightened and communication is immediate. The listener is drawn into a soundscape where the relation between the sounds and the objects creating the sounds, is not evident.

One’s perceptions are awakened and each person creates their own story as the layers of sound are juxtaposed and articulate the space. Through these sounds and structures, the spectator/audience is  given access to an experience that is both tangible and intangible. We share the process of creation. 

“From the summit of the highest mountain
to the depths of the deepest ocean
Each thing has it’s own voice”

Meiji Emperor, XIX century


en Vol Libre

I am delighted and honored to announce that I will be performing with two amazing artists, Olivier Duperron and Charlène Martin, in July. Places are limited so early reservations are suggested.

July 16 at 20H and 17 at 17H - Reservation at 0631 12 90 74

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" We do not remember days, we remember moments "

 Cesare Pavese

Now is the time

“Now is the Time” was an exceptional meeting of three unique and singular ways to create music.
My sound theatre, known for its "low tech" approach, receives the "Electronic Machines" of Olivier Duperron, saxophonist, to which the voice of Charlène Martin adds a mysterious emotion and depth.


The Mégisserie in St. Junien was a slaughterhouse before it got converted to a beautiful theater.
"Mbongui" was based on a traditional African healing ceremony to bring peace to the spirits of the animals which were slaughtered and to the people who worked there. It was a celebration of transformation from a place of death into a place of creative expression.

Sound Journeys

Soundsamples from over the years

Session with

Three is more than one


Dividing the space beetwen time


Even the sad and broken heart has a rythm

Village song

Song of welcoming to a to a primitive village

So, you're an artist and
you would like to improvise with me?

Let's meet!

Herbert Elsky

found at an auspicious moment create the appearance of a story
or reveal a pre-conscious memory appearing from deep time.”

I am an american artist, born in Los Angeles, where I studied Art at UCLA. Since 1995 I live in the gentle hills of the Limousin region in France.

Making art has always felt to me like a sacred activity, a kind of alchemical experience that is inconceivable and undefinable. It reveals new dimensions of who we are as human beings and transcends our perception of conventional awareness.

In 2004, inspired by the large volume of the barn on our farm in the countryside and haunted by the question: "Can sculptures become a way to create a sound installation? " the idea of the Theatre Las Balubas was born. Old barrels, a cement mixer, garden sprinklers, pots and pans became my first "instruments".

Since then the theater has evolved through many phases of inventing new "instruments" and reconfiguring the space to create “sound journeys”. In recent years I have been joined by a wide variety of performing artists, musicians, singers, dancers, Buto dancers, poets, and a marionettist . 

The compositions are intuitive, unpredictable, and unrepeatable, which creates an environment where awareness is heightened and communication is immediate, therefore, very alive! We share the process of creation.

One cannot buy, own, or hold onto the experience. The experience is the living moment itself!


One of the most important influences in my life was the Tibetan Buddhist meditation master Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, with whom I studied for 17 years. His teachings about “Dharma Art”, and the "Art in everyday life” changed my perception completely. Creativity became integrated into every activity in my life instead of being a special separate thing to sell or exhibit.

The other important influence for the theatre itself was the sculptor Jean Tinguely. “Las Balubas” refers to a series of his works. He was  one of my early hero’s and it is his example of daring humor, challenging and aesthetically engaging work, that inspired the creation of the theatre.

Find us in the heart of the Limousin region of France

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